Study Groups


Sunday Evening Worship & Study

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings of the month (which are typically Morning Prayer Sundays) for a service of Holy Communion, dinner, and a time of teaching. Kindly sign up in Cranmer Hall or RSVP to Naomi Morris if you plan to attend.

Our schedule:

  • 5:00 pm - Holy Communion;

  • 6:00 pm - Meal & Fellowship;

  • 6:30-7:30 - Catechesis in 2 groups: Adults will be studying the book of
    1 Peter. Middle and High School aged girls are invited to attend a Bible Study to be led by Amy Deems and Noelle Kent. 

The Adult Forum

The Adult Forum meets weekly on Sunday mornings following the service. The subject of study varies from month to month. Currently this group is led by James Altena and is working through the history of the Anglican Church. Attending this study is a great opportunity for anyone desiring to grow in their understanding of our Anglican heritage and identity.

Mid-Week Worship Services

The Book of Common Prayer appoints a number of feast days. Each of the prayerbook feast days are centered on Biblical events or Biblical figures, such as: the Conversion of St. Paul, the Transfiguration of Christ, or St. James the Apostle. Our pattern is to gather for worship at 6 pm (Evening Prayer & Holy Communion with a homily) and then to eat together (at about 7 pm). All are welcome! (Check the online calendar for specific dates and times).