We shall be reading Dorothy Sayers's radio play Kings in Judea together on Friday, Feb. 10th. The meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Come at 6:00 PM for a said service of Evening Prayer, followed at 6:30 with a (bring-it-yourself) brown bag supper.
Please do read it beforehand, as well as the lovely introduction by Sayers. You can find it here, and I'd be glad to print you a copy: https://christspieces.files.wordpress.com/2018/10/sayers1943_the-man-born-to-be-king_01_kings-of-judaea_35-53.pdf .
Our meeting will be a little different, as we are going to read the play aloud together before discussing it. As you read, consider what part you'd like to read aloud and reply to all of us here.